Workshop on Data science in Quality Analytics in current digital system
Workshop on Data science in Quality Analytics in current digital system
On Thursday, 28 Jun 2018
We are organizing a Workshop on Quality Analytics/aspects in association with Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), Coimbatore on National Statistics Day, 29th June 2018, Friday Afternoon in our KCT campus. An information brochure about the above workshop is attached herewith. A number of Senior Executives/Experts from Industry/Institutions will share their idea/experience on quality in this workshop. Pl. circulate this amongst your Faculty members and PG/Research Scholars for participation. Registration is free. Number of seats are limited since participation from external Industry/Institute members are also expected. Interested persons can register their names in KCT Textile Dept. office or send Email to on or before tomorrow, 27.6.2018. Thanks & Regards. Dr J Srinivasan Professor & Head Dept. of Textile Technology Kumaraguru College of Technology Coimbatore-641049
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